History of Schweizer Construction The Schweizer Family Business

Guy started out at a young age working in the Carpenters Union in Rockland County. He then decided to move back to the Adirondacks and worked many years as a logger. After meeting his wife and starting a family he decided to put his skills and knowledge towards building his own business. He had developed his own unique craftsmanship which can be seen in many camps and boathouses all over the area. Over the years he acquired many different skills in all trades that helped create the successful business it is today. Excelling in the trades of electical, plumbing & fine finish work, Guy mastered every aspect of general construction. Guy also had a knack for exquisite copper work honing his craft creating custom exhaust hoods, drip pans and his infamous ‘Tin Man’ that can be seen at business headquarters during the summer months. His keen eye to detail can be seen in beautiful pieces incorporated with twig & birch bark in many well known Great Camps of the Adirondacks. His work was featured in the Adirondack Style. In addition to Guy’s specialized skills, the skill he mastered the most was his abillity to create life long customers who eventually became great friends throughout his construction tenure.

After the hard decision to step away from the amazing business he built, Guy decided it was time to pass the reins to his daughter and son and law who had been working under his guise for many years before his retirement. His daughter, Molly had spent childhood summers on every job site Guy had, picking up as much of the ins and outs of the business as she could. Tye, Guy’s son in law worked for him at Schweizer construction after holding positions with other reputable construction companies in the area. Guy finally felt comfortable enough to retire knowing that Tye had all of the understanding and knowledge of exactly how he wished for his legacy to live on through Schweizer construction.

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